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Volkswagen Shows Off The New Electric Dune Buggy, And Teases More Big News

Volkswagen has pulled back the curtain – albeit only ever so slightly – giving us a peek at its wickedly cool electric dune buggy concept, the MEB. When translated, the German phrase “Modularer Elektrobaukasten” means Modular Electrification Toolkit, although obviously, those letters don’t match perfectly with the acronym used by the automaker. However, that’s hardly a point to squabble over at this time, as we’re much more excited by what was included in the press release, specifically the paragraphs that follow:

“The concept of the fully electric buggy is based on the vehicles that were created in the 1960s in California. Back then, the Beetle chassis served as the basis for these buggies; now, the MEB is proving to be just as flexible…

The new MEB concept vehicle shows that this fully electric platform can be used for more than just large-scale seies production models. Like the Beetle chassis of yesteryear, the MEB has the potential to facilitate the development of low-volume niche vehicles.

The history of recreational vehicles and Volkswagen technology is a long one. From the Beetle convertible and special bodies produced by companies such as Hebmüller and Rometsch to dune buggies like the Meyers Manx, the Beetle chassis allowed for creative custom solutions for decades. Globally, around 250,000 individual vehicles were built as one-offs or at low volumes through to the 1980s.”

Basically, what this means that is VW is weighing maybes and maybe not of offering up a platform to be used as the basis for all kinds of one-off or limited-run vehicles that spring from the creative minds of those in the automotive community. As we have seen countless times, this industry is populated by quirky, creative types who could absolutely come up with some crazy ideas for this concept. Hopefully, Volkswagen stays the course and brings this to market, at least in some form closely resembling what you see here, in the not too distant future.

