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Walk Around Of Jeff Lutz Twin Turbo Chevy… One Clean Ride!

If you visit the site often, you’ve seen plenty of footage of Jeff Lutz’ gorgeous new 1957 Chevy. The twin turbocharged hotrod was built for Drag Week, an event Lutz has deep ties to as a many-time Drag Week winner, but who could build a car like this and only use it one week out of the year.

Seeing an opportunity to get a little more use out of the new car, which features a steel body that matches stock dimensions almost perfectly, Lutz decided to take on the world of Street Outlaws. We’ve seen Lutz on the show many times, both helping the guys build their cars and racing his own rides, so he’s familiar with the competition both on the streets of the 405 as well as at the track, where the show has been filming several episodes. If you watched earlier this season, when the cast rolled into Bristol for the first big track race, Lutz was in the thick of the competition before an unfortunate top end accident took him out of the race while also crunching up the nose of his beautiful new ride.

Never one to sit around and feel sorry for himself, Lutz went immediately to work getting his ride repaired, returning to action just a few short weeks later with a premiered nose and driver’s door, proudly showing his battle scars while competing once again against the biggest names from the show and the world of no prep.

The cameras from National No Prep Racing Association caught up with The 57 in the pits at Tucson Raceway during the recent Street Outlaws Live filming to take a peek at the car with the nose off. You can see just how clean and minimalist the engine bay is, something that’s not easy to do considering how many electrical components there are on the car.

This is a great look at what it takes to be one of the top dogs in the Drag Week world, as well as a respected opponent in the no prep scene as well.