Watch as Nuclear Waste Container Testing Gets Rather Intense
If there’s something that you would want to design a container for as to not allow it to spew out its contents into the air that we breathe and the ground that bears our water, nuclear waste would probably be a pretty good thing to keep out of the environment. However, it’s something that needs to be transported and disposed of so that means that there’s definitely a market for creating containers to keep it locked up in. However, unlike other chemicals, things would probably getting pretty crazy if you ended up spilling some in pretty much any capacity.
Therefore, this time, we check in on a demonstration that takes the liberty of testing out a nuclear waste container design, also known as a “flask.” You wouldn’t think of all of the steps that they put this thing through as it would probably seem like it would be likely that they would test this thing out in some sort of laboratory or facility that’s designed just for putting the container thing through the wringer. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth as real-world testing is definitely a big part of making sure that these flasks are, in fact, going to make it through just about anything that they could possibly go up against.
In this one, we get a chance to take a look at that testing that they’re put through, going so far as being plowed into by a train, being put on the back of a rocket powered truck that ends up plowing into an immovable object, and even being dropped from insane heights to make sure that the seal on these things is absolutely as unbreakable as it can possibly be. Some of these tests might actually seem a little bit ridiculous, when you think about it, however, making sure that the contents stay inside is an incredibly important job to take care of.