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We’ve Never Seen So Many People be Irate Because of Loud Cars

For some reason, when it comes to the boisterous cars of the world, there just so happens to be a group of people who aren’t so infatuated with them as we are. When someone like you or I hears a screaming vehicle, we’re inclined to look in its direction and see exactly what the car or truck has to offer. However, when people who aren’t gearheads come across a vehicle like one of our favorites, they might just be completely turned off by the automobile. Believe it or not, not everybody in this world is into a good-looking exotic car, after all.

This time, we take a good, hard look at a whole collection of these people who take it upon themselves to be extra annoyed by automotive displays. While some of these displays definitely go above and beyond in an area where maybe they arguably shouldn’t have, others consist of people just going about minding their own business when these bystanders decide to hop in and get as obnoxious as they possibly can be. To be quite honest with you, in one or two of these situations, you have to admire the restraint of the person behind the wheel because it can be a difficult thing to not go off on somebody who’s up in your face about your car.

If you follow along with the video below, you’ll find a whole series of confrontations from people just so found it within themselves to be annoyed by the exhaust notes of some of these cars and sometimes, the actions of some of the drivers behind the wheel. After you get through this video for yourself, be sure to tell us which of these moments you thought to be the most outrageous whether it be because the driver was wrong or the person approaching them was wrong. Can you ever say that somebody got particularly frustrated with your addiction to automobiles?