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What One Millionaire Learned From Buying 27 Exotic Cars in Just 4 Years

While, in many hobbies, with a decent amount of money you can climb to the top of the ranks and purchase the most expensive parts of said hobby that there are. Obviously other hobbies just simply don’t offer that. If you’re an automotive enthusiast, it’s going be a lot more difficult to climb to the top of the ranks if you have a limited bank account. I mean, if you take a look around you, you’ll notice that not everybody is throwing around money and picking up cars like McLaren, Porsches, and Lamborghinis, after all.

However, in this video, we follow along with an individual who is well-off enough to be able to enjoy some of the finer things in automotive culture. While many will just choose one nameplate and stick with it, it seems like this guy has taken his time to do his rounds, dabbling a little bit in a variety of different brands and reporting back to us exactly what the experience has been like. Being able to hear about an experience like this one could be incredibly helpful to somebody who maybe has the money to buy just one of these machines.

If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll gather one individual’s opinion as he has gotten the opportunity to have a variety of different viewpoints throughout his automotive enthusiast career, if you will. Now, you don’t necessarily have to take this as fact, however, you can definitely appreciate the variety of experience that might help to guide you toward one car community or another. If you thought that everything in a price group of cars was created equal, this video may just help you sort out which one of those communities you could possibly belong in.