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When Road Rage Turns Into Instant Karma Amazing Things Happen!

When Road Rage Turns Into Instant Karma Amazing Things Happen!

When somebody isn’t going quite fast enough fo you, riding on their rear bumper probably isn’t going to create any kind of outcome that you’re looking for.

This time, when this driver decided to take that course of action and shortly afterward cut off the driver who they thought was driving too slow, they received a satisfying dose of instant karma.

After the attempt to cut off the other driver, the road rage connoisseur quickly learned that maybe they should have just let it go as they lost control of the car and swerved, crashing directly into the guard rail.

Check out the video below as this little stunt ends in an epic fail and somebody had enough foresight to pull out their camera and record the Honda Civic.

Need more instant karma? The bait bike in the hood prank will be just your thing!
