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When You Forget To Latch The Roof… Corvette Fail

We learned a long time ago that one key aspect of a video “going viral” is that, in most cases, it has to be shorter. Other that music videos – y’all still watching Gangnam Style seven times a day or nah? – most viral videos are less than a minute. The obvious logic is the less time it takes to watch the whole thing, the more likely millions of people are to watch it. Certainly makes sense to me.

This particular video is a total of fourteen seconds from beginning to end and teaches us all a woeful lesson while also providing us with that little look at that side of ourselves that many of us don’t want to admit exists. You know, the part of your brain that finds a little joy in the pain of others. The reason crash videos are some of the most popular in all of YouTube is that we, whether we want to admit it or not, get a sense of pleasure whenever we see others do something painful or painfully stupid.

In this video, since I assume you’ve read the title of this article and know what’s coming, the painfully stupid comes right at the end, when the driver of this C7 ‘Vette turns the corner and eases into the throttle to pass the Audi SUV that he followed through this traffic signal. As soon as he’s able to get out from behind the SUV, the driver gives the ‘Vette a little throttle and just a moment later, disaster.

No, it’s not quite as bad as a Mustang leaving an event and plowing into the crowd of onlookers or another car, a show we’ve seen play out countless times. Instead, as the car starts to gain speed, the roof hatch flips high into the air and comes crashing onto the asphalt behind the car.

While this will cost the owner a few hundred bucks to repair or replace, it’s not the end of the world. Hopefully he was able to get stopped and pick up the hatch before more traffic came along and it became a bigger issue. Go ahead and hit that share button so the rest of your friends can get a little happiness from this big fat fail!
