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Why Sit in Traffic? Lady Takes Off From Her House in a Chopper

For most people have to go to work or school every day, they might have to deal with that awesome little detail that is traffic. Nobody likes traffic and I think that almost anyone who has ever had to deal with it wishes that they could come up with a way to get rid of it. While you can’t necessarily just throttle down and plow your way through the other cars to avoid being stuck, it looks like this lady has come up with an alternative method to be able to get around hr morning commute with her very own means of transportation that just lifts her up at over top of it all.

That’s right, instead of taking a car to work in the morning, she instead elects to hop in her personal helicopter and just let everybody else play that good old game of the rat race while she laughs from above, taking her morning commute in stride. I can think of plenty of times where I may have been caught sitting in traffic and just wished that I would be able to do something like this. Imagine being able to take your own personal helicopters everywhere that you wanted to go instead of having to hang out and waste time sitting behind a bunch of other people who are probably going to be inconsiderate and just end up cutting you off anyway.

Follow along in the video down below that takes you for the ride in this personal helicopter that will take you up In the sky and be sure to treat you with quite the ride. After checking this one out for yourself, be sure to tell us what you think of the concepts… Let’s be honest, though, I don’t think that there’s anybody out there who would think that having their own personal chopper to get to wherever you need to go would be a bad idea, after all.
