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WILD 900 Horsepower Truck Hits The Ski Slope

WILD 900 Horsepower Truck Hits The Ski Slope

We all know that ski slopes weren’t designed to be driven on, but after checking out this wild 900hp trophy truck tear up some fresh white powder, we may want to consider doing this more in the future.

Here is what Red Bull had to say about the showing:

“A Pro-4 off-road racing truck took to the snowy incline of Mount Snow to prove what’s possible for Red Bull Frozen Rush.

Just one week after record-breaking snowfall in the Northeast, Champion off-road racer Ricky Johnson took advantage of all the extra powder by riding a figure eight trail with jumps and berms while thousands of winter and motorsports fanatics cheered him on.”

Check out the video below to catch the truck in action.