Will The Memphis Crew Get Away With These Starting Line Shenanigans?

When the Oklahoma City crew landed up and went to Memphis last season on Street Outlaws, it made for one of the most popular episodes in the show’s history. Last week, the Memphis crew paid the 405 a visit, and the drama and antics from the first go around followed them all the way to OKC.
When it came time for Daddy Dave to take on Memphis’ point man, JJ, there was a debate about whether or not Dave’s car rolled after Precious stopped them at the starting line. As they reviewed the video to see if Dave’s car moved or not, it became obvious that Precious had turned the flash light on before she raised it up, a clear attempt to give JJ an advantage off the line.
At least JJ admitted what had happened and shook Dave’s hand, helping calm the tense situation that could have easily spiraled out of control! We can’t wait to see these two camps tangle again, as the racing is always great and the drama is even better!