With Hurricane Incoming, People Struggle To Lift VW On Their Porch

With Hurricane Florence finally making landfall yesterday, only time will tell just how much damage is left in its path. With two more hurricanes bringing up the rear and set to follow through with a one, two, three punch, things could get pretty gnarly for the southeastern portion of the United States. Luckily, with how easy it is to communicate these days, folks out that way have had plenty of time to begin to prepare for what the storms are going to throw at them. It’s still probably not going to be an easy journey but one that they’ll be able to take on with a more informed approach.
In addition to getting out of there as fast as possible, there is some prep work that has to be done in order to give yourself a little bit of insurance in hoping that the damage can hopefully be minimized when you make your return. For these people, in order to attempt to minimize that damage that they might see from potential flooding, they thought quickly about how they could save their vehicle as it looks like they might be battening down the hatches and staying in the wake of the storm and trying to ride it out, something that isn’t recommended by safety personnel but is inevitable in some cases.
In the video below, we watch as the Volkswagen is sent up a sort of makeshift ramp, attempting to scoot the car up on the porch as to save it from any potential high water. This one didn’t exactly go all that smoothly but at the end of it all, it looks like these folks eventually managed to accomplish what it was that they set out to do! Hopefully, their efforts were worthwhile as the area continues to be pelted by Florence.