Wooden Brake-Pads: Will They Work Or Not?

Within various YouTube channels, you will find all sorts of different experiments that really will bend the mind to try out new things for the one and only purpose of seeing just how bad it’s all going to fail. When you think of an experiment like using brake pads that are made out of wood, there’s absolutely no chance that you think that something like this is going to work when you head into the experiment, however, it’s pretty entertaining to see just how long it will last and, when it all ends, just how catastrophic the result is going to be.
With a video like this, you really can’t help but tune in and watch to see what exactly the outcome is going to look like on the other side and how the brake rotors will end up burning their way all the way through a set of wooden pads to get all the way to the end. Part of us kind of expected to see a fire here when all was said and done when all that heat was handled improperly. It got really close to that point to say the least, however, after the massive cloud of smoke settled down, we would see that no flames would come into play here.
The video below shows off the entire thing involving the crash and burn doesn’t exactly get too catastrophic, but is still a pretty interesting take on a situation that ends up being pretty fun to watch and the result is still pretty wild to see as these alternative paths are put to the test. When you see a test like this, you really get to thinking about how efficient the pads that you have on your car right now are across a variety of metrics as they get put through insane temperatures and are expected still function to be able to slow down your car while dealing with the adversity.