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WORLDS SMALLEST Running W32 Engine

WORLDS SMALLEST Running W32 Engine

How many times can you say you’ve seen or heard of a W32 style engine? Most of us have only heard of the 32 cylinder design once or twice, if at all, and it’s pretty much unheard of in miniature engine technology, which makes this one-off build extremely special.

This mini engine is unlike any that we’ve ever seen before and we dare to say that it’s our favorite so far. This creation has an insane amount of attention to detail that you can most definitely see in the end result.

Check out this video as 2520 hours of work and 850 parts come together seamlessly to create one of the best looking engines we’ve ever seen.

This is the smallest known miniature W32 engine in the world! We’re feeling arthritic just looking at this thing. Check out the mind blowing assembly below.

This miniature nitro engine might just blow your mind!

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