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WORST NIGHTMARE – Car Gets LOOSE And Flips The Trailer!!

WORST NIGHTMARE – Car Gets LOOSE And Flips The Trailer!! 

This ladies and gentlemen is a prime example of why things need to be done correctly the first time. When we catch up with this situation, we see a tow rig that is clearly much too small to be pulling a trailer with a car on it and the driver pays the ultimate price for his oversized load.

When the trailer starts to sway back and forth, the weight of the wagon hauling it simply isn’t enough as it too begins to stray all over the road. The next thing we know we’re watching the BMW on the trailer topple over sideways.

Check out the video below as this motorist pulled out their camera phone at just the right time to capture the whole thing! Hey, at least it looks like the car was tied down properly. That counts for something, right?
