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YouTuber Explains Why You Should NOT Buy a Diesel Powered Car

When it comes to purchasing a car, there are a bunch of engine selections that you can choose from. The choice between gasoline and diesel engines doesn’t stop with trucks as you might notice that there are a wide variety of cars that actually have these kinds of power plants available as well. Now, there’s definitely an argument to be made for both going with diesel or gasoline engines in a car but what is the end all be all rundown on what exactly makes sense? What should you be shooting for based on your goals of purchasing a car?

If you ask Scotty Kilmer, he seems to have a pretty defined opinion on the matter. According to Scotty, way back when in a day when they first started slapping diesel-powered engines in mass-produced cars, it might’ve made sense as diesel fuel was cheaper and the cars might’ve found a way to be a little bit more efficient, ending up saving you some money by not only requiring less fuel but also requiring the cheaper selection of the fuel. However, I think that it’s easy to say that times have changed and with those changes, maybe diesel engines might not be the best solution in cars.

While, in trucks, it might make sense because they can make a lot more power, when it comes to a simple commuter car, as it turns out, not only is the fuel more expensive but thanks to improvements in fuel injection technology, gasoline engines have developed to the point where difference between the two is probably pretty negligible and you won’t really notice that much of the fuel economy difference. In turn, Scotty even argues that diesel engines not only fail to give you an advantage over gasoline powered engines in cars, but they also aren’t helping the environment, either! Be sure to soak in all of this info and give us your thoughts on which is the smart choice!