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Zombie Joe Tattoos Richard Rawlings In Glorious 360 Vision inside Gas Monkey Garage

Technology these days it Is incredibly amazing in all sorts of different ways including what’s possible with cameras available to the masses. It’s almost to the point where you can just about virtually place yourself in any situation whether it be the cockpit of a fighter jet, watching the pilot pulling massive G forces during an aerial display or something as simple as hanging out and watching Richard Rawlings getting some new ink.

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This time, we get to peek in on the 360° experience as Richard gets some post-birthday ink thanks to Zombie Joe who is laying down the art on Richard’s arm. As if that weren’t cool enough to watch in full 360, you get to spectate the entire thing as it happens from inside of Gas Monkeys Garage. By using the arrows on your screen or moving your phone around, you can take a peek at the whole environment!

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Check out the video below that will immerse you in this unique shop experience and allow you to take a look around and see what’s up in the garage as Richard takes a little break to get some work done on himself. Be sure to tell us what you think of this kind of video that allows you to be the person behind the camera and take a look at whatever it is that you please.