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1300HP TURBO LSX NOVA With Screaming Turbos!!

1300HP TURBO LSX NOVA With Screaming Turbos!!

Perhaps, there’s nothing better than a clean swap and this 1972 Chevrolet Nova, known as the “Supernova” most certainly pulls off the look well.

Hooked up with a turbo LSX conversion and 94mm turbo, this monster manages to belt out 1300hp and from the looks of the passes it makes on the strip, that power shows!

When facing off in some heads up drag racing, it looks like the Nova just can’t be beat as it seems to take home win after win!

Check out the killer swap below that shows off its horsepower on the track. What do you think of this old school meets new school creation.

This 6000hp showdown will have your eyes glued to the screen!

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