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In 1995, Jeff Gordon Had the Most Obscure Pit Stop of All Time

Today, NASCAR is set up in such a way so that every race matters. When it gets toward the end of the season, the playoff format will bring the pack closer together. Some agree with this format. They think that every race having meaning is a good way to keep things entertaining. Others, however, aren’t big fans of the format. The argument goes that resetting things toward the end of the year unfairly handicaps more dominant drivers.

No matter what way we slice it, things were different back in the day. Back in 1995, at the end of the season, he with the highest amount of points would win. There was no mixup or any sort of manipulation done to the standings. It was a matter of getting the most successful finishing places in order to go home with gold.

Because of this format, sometimes, there might’ve been a few meaningless races at the end of the year. Being one of the most dominant drivers of the era meant that Jeff Gordon would have a good shot of being way out ahead in points. In 1995, that just so happened to be the case. All of this would set him up for a late-season pit stop at the Napa 500 that was unlike any other.

As Gordon came down pit road, we might’ve seen one of the slowest pit stops in Jeff Gordon history. It was 39.6 seconds to be more exact.

Essentially, amateurs took the reins at every position. The team owner was even thrown in the mix to help out with the stop. When watching these out-of-position crew members try to get the car together to continue to race, it really makes us appreciate how good the professionals are.

When watching the pros do their job on television, it can be easy to watch from the couch and think that we could do the same. However, with a display like this, it gives us an all-new appreciation for the talents that these folks have. It also provides one awesome memorable moment.