Stolen No. 44 NASCAR Race Car Found in Suburban Atlanta

Sometimes, you take one look at human nature and think about how much of a shame that it is that people will steal just about anything that isn’t bolted down and even some things that are. It’s unfortunate that, if you’re lucky enough to have anything worthwhile, you also have to take extra measures to make sure that people don’t have an elaborate plan designed to steal it. Just even thinking about all that hard work that you have invested into making your dreams come true only to have somebody who wants a come and take it away under the cover of night is really enough to make your blood boil. These people who are on the wrong end of the situation like this really deserve all the punishment that they can possibly get.
This time, it looks like criminals stepped their game up yet another level, getting their hands on a trailer full of expensive parts and even a car but this just wasn’t any car, the news reports here tells us that the NASCAR stock car inside of the trailer was worth an astonishing $250,000. That price tag doesn’t even consider the truck, trailer itself, and all of the tools inside that would be necessary to make the stock car be a competitor on race weekend.
Luckily, a good Samaritan who had heard all about the story was able spot the car sitting alongside the road, of all places, and reported to the proper authority to get it recovered. Reports say that it doesn’t look like the car was driven in any manner, however, the rest of the setup remains at bay. Hopefully, they will be able to track down these criminals and pin them to the wall, holding them responsible for this ugly act. At the end of the day, you really just have to wonder why people can’t go out and earn things for themselves.