$650,000 Dodge Charger Made 100% From Carbon Fiber, You Need to See it to Believe

In this day and age of instant gratification, it can really be easy to lose touch with fine craftsmanship. After all, putting together unique and custom pieces is something that takes a lot of attention to detail and patience. These are the things that almost seem to get lost in the landscape of social media and services that will have whatever you want at your front doorstep within just a day or two, all with nothing more than the touch of a button. However, for someone who wants to find such craftsmanship, with a little bit of searching, it’s certainly out there to be stumbled upon.
This time, we check out a Dodge Charger that certainly falls under that “fine craftsmanship” label. There’s no denying that there are a lot of impressive builds out there to be absorbed but every once a while, we find something that truly leaves the observer in awe with every last turn. I might be overstepping my bounds here but I think I can speak for the vast majority of automotive enthusiasts when I say that this is something that simply is captivating beyond words, grasping us and not letting go until we’ve been able to absorb as much as our brains can handle.
The car that’s known as “Evolution” all started with a 1970 Dodge Charger but it’s so much more than that now. When all is said and done, the entire body would be redesigned with the help carbon fiber which creates quite the canvas. It isn’t just going to stop at that, though, as there are so many custom components lurking around every corner that really make this thing come together. Simply put, it needs to be seen to be believed. Under the hood we find a heart that is plenty substantial as a crate engine that you’d find in a Dodge Demon. While the engine is a drop-in, everything surrounding it in the engine bay is more of that same custom crafted work that we see on the outside. By following along with the video below, we got a tour of the Demon powered beast that simply brings together so many factors and pools them in just the right combination to really get that drool factor going.