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What Happens when you Replace Oil with Salad Dressing?

What Happens when you Replace Oil with Salad Dressing?

Have you ever wondered what would happened if you put salad dressing in your engine in place of the oil? Oh… you haven’t? Well, we haven’t either, but this curious Youtuber did, however, and decided to take a video of the result.

Check it out as he puts this old Pontiac Sunfire out of its misery after running for a surprisingly long time. Perhaps he should have used this car to drive instead!

Check out the video below and prepare to laugh! We’re not sure why, but for some reason we now want to go out and try all different things in place of oil now thanks to this redneck stunt. Does anybody have a car they want to donate?

Something tells us that this wasn’t what he was going for with this burnout
