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Wild Open Paddle Dirt Drag Record – Mud Down in T-Town

If you’re into going fast in a straight line on concrete, falling in love off-road drag racing should be an easy taste to acquire as the dirt also bears some bad machines.

This time, we check in with “The Bounty Hunter” as he throws down in a 200ft race as these mud dragsters are accustomed to and sets a record in the process.

With a hard launch and heavy foot, the driver is able to rocket to the finish line in just 2.006-seconds. Many solid surface racers can’t conquer the first 60ft in that amount of time!

Check out the video below that puts this lean mean mud machine on display as it kicks ass and takes names on its way to the record books. Break out that trusty notepad and take some notes, kids.

This 1600hp rat rod makes some impressive torque!

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