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This Rocket Chair Will Definitely Work | Rusted Development

This Rocket Chair Will Definitely Work | Rusted Development

If you’ve ever spent a sizable amount of time in a garage, then you known exactly where these guys are coming from with this wild stunt that we’re not too sure who thought up.

Extended periods of time in the shop can tend to play with your head and you’ll use whatever is within an arm’s reach to have a little bit of fun and break the monotony.

This time, said fun revolves around an office chair, a fire extinguisher, and hopefully the Earth. Yeah, we have no idea who makes this stuff up, either!

Check out the video below as boredom turns into making an office chair a “rocket chair” out of some things that were laying around the shop. What’s the craziest that you’ve ever done to entertain yourself in the garage?

Just when you thought that you’ve seen everything, along comes a hydrogen peroxide powered motorcycle.

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