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Cops Get Drug Dealers Corvette And Use it For Police Work!

Cops Get Drug Dealers Corvette And Use it For Police Work!

When it comes to selling drugs or committing any other serious crime, you have to pay to play and most of the time it just isn’t worth the ultimate price, an example of which you can see with this video.

Whoever was peddling drugs in the Chevrolet Corvette probably ended up regretting it as the authorities decided that the best course of action would be to seize everything that the dealer had.

It isn’t the fact that they took the possessions that’s interesting, but rather what the authorities ended up doing with them that caught our attention.

Check out the video below to see how this Corvette was put into action by the police after its life of crime. We would venture to say that this isn’t a bad way to be reborn.


Looks like they still have some catching up to do before they get even with Dubai’s Bugatti as seen below.

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