INSANE 150 MPH CRASH! 800 hp Corvette Crashes Street Racing
INSANE 150 MPH CRASH! 800 hp Corvette Crashes Street Racing
When it comes to street racing, there are dangers around every corner which is why if you do choose to participate, you need to have eyes in the back of your head and be very aware of your surroundings. Even at that, we’d recommend not trying this at home.
When this Chevrolet Corvette went head to head with another ready and willing ‘Vette, everything seemed to be going as according to plan as the pair throttled down in a killer roll race.
However, a bump in the highway would make sure that this race wouldn’t stay on course for long as the car in the left lane would immediately lose control and veer right into a barrier, crashing at 150mph!
Luckily, all people involved were able to walk away without injury, but the car, as if not damaged enough already, would burst into a ball of flames, rendering it useless.
Check out the footage below, but beware because this is some violent stuff!
The Mustang below had quite a similar fate!.. minus the fire.