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CBR1000RR Crashes Hard Into Pond – He Just Went Swimming

While riding a motorcycle might seem pretty simple, there are lots of dangers out there lurking, ready to take down any rider who is caught lulling off atop their steed.

When on what seemed to be an otherwise normal ride, the guy behind the handlebars of this Honda CBR1000RR looks to have lost sight of the road briefly and, as a result, ended up paying the price.

It’s a scary situation to watch as the rider veers off of the road and ends up riding out the mistake until his bike becomes submerged in a pond.

We can’t help but feel for the poor guy as he throws his helmet in disgust after trudging his way from the grasp of the water.

Check out the video below that captures the moment thanks to the rider’s camera, recording from behind the incident. This is one unconventional way of receiving a wake-up call! That’s for sure!