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She Thought Her Brother was Cleaning Her Car, But He Set up the Ultimate Prank

In the recent explosion of pranks on YouTube, we have seen them all across the board, from fun and innocent to mean-spirited they’ve all come out of the woodwork. We can’t really decide where this one falls.

When this prankster’s sister thought that her brother had taken her car to help clean it, in reality, he was setting up the ultimate prank that might have just made the car a tiny bit dirtier.

Instead of tidying up the car, he would take the liberty of installing the ultimate antiquing cannon, designed to blast baby powder everywhere. When we say everywhere, we mean everywhere.

Take a look at the prank in the video below for yourself and give what’s the verdict on what you think of the sudden plot twist for this dude’s sister. Was this mean or appropriate or somewhere in between?
