Ambulance Crash Test – Fire/EMS Industry First Rollover
When thinking about the vehicles use to respond to an emergency, the ambulance is one of the most important that will pop into your head. Even a second grader could tell you that.
However, something scary that we don’t really think about too often is what happens if that same ambulance that is rushing to the scene of an accident or to the hospital happens to become the victim of such an emergency situation itself.
Just like other road vehicles, ambulances and other emergency vehicle should probably be put through some longevity testing to see how they will fair in a turbulent situation.
Braun Industries has teamed up with CAPE testing to conduct the first ever rollover ambulance crash test. It really makes sense when you think about it as the drivers of such vehicles are generally in a hurry to get where they need to be, rightfully so.
How does an ambulance fare when it rolls over? How does the patient being toted around in the back fare? The video below will give you all of the answers to these questions as an ambulance is flipped in the name of safety!