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Rally Car Gets DESTROYED – Sean Keating and Caleb Ash on Rally Safety

In rally racing, or any kind of racing really, the threat of crashes is always prevalent and as much as we hope for the best, sometimes, all hell is unleashed in a wreck.

In this one, we check out the aftermath of a rather vicious rally car blunder that the driver and his copilot are insanely lucky to have walked away from.

As they charge their way through the wooded area that was responsible for the crash, they keep on finding pieces of the car until they get to the main chunk of carcass that used to be their race machine.

As the guys say, “cut the corners off your toast, but never ever cut corners when it comes to your safety gear.” The fact that they’re walking is a testament to that quote.

Check out the video below and prepare to be amazed at the amount of carnage and rollovers that these guys survive to talk about.