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SpaceX Makes History | MARS

Ever since we have been exploring space, humans have been left to wonder what lies beyond. Are there other forms of intelligent life? Will we ever be able to expand our journeys to places beyond our very own Earth and live on new horizons?

While this far, we haven’t been able to inhabit any other planet, it seems like, with all of the technology that has been coming to the surface, we would soon be able to muster up a realistic effort to move lives into space. With Elon Musk working away, that possibility seems more real than ever.

This time, we get incredibly close to the historic landing of a Falcon 9 rocket at Cape Canaveral as we’re able to take a look behind closed doors to see how the team was operating and how exactly they reacted to this monumental feat of space engineering.

Ride along with the ultimate experience down in the video below as Elon Musk and the SpaceX team take another step in the journey that is rather promising. Will we ever be able to inhabit Mars? Only time will tell!