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How a Crankshaft is Made, From Start to Finish

It might be a lot to think about but every time you hop in your car these days and push down the throttle to go wherever in the country it is that you please, there are a lot of processes happening and parts moving that are the result of years upon years of innovation and creation.

At the heart of vehicles today is what’s known as a crankshaft. It’s the main piece of the rotating assembly that holds all of the pistons together and helps them to move at the same pace, allowing for your engine to fire correctly and purr like a healthy kitten.

Like other parts, the crankshaft’s production process has developed over time until it has become the precise science that it is today. This time, we get the privilege of diving into that science to see exactly what it takes to bring a solid piece of metal to a finished product like this.

Check out the video below that shows exactly how a crankshaft is created and becomes the piece at the heart of your engine. Is this how you pictured the creation of such a component happening?