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How To Channel Your Road Rage Into Cold, Calculating Road Revenge

Most of the time, anyone who’s a professional in defensive driving will tell you that road rage initiated with another driver out there on the streets isn’t the greatest idea for anyone but this time, we get an alternative outlook from someone who comes at the issue from a completely different point of view.

Sure, we all have that one friend who gets a little bit too angry behind the wheel and we might want them to stop altogether but this creative methodology might just be the way that they’ve been looking for to get through their rage and be able to handle it effectively and creatively and it just so turns out that the answers to all of their problems are downright hilarious as well.

Check out the video below that takes you on a creative journey to solving your road rage problems that provides solutions unlike ones that you’ve ever seen before. Now, if you’re actually dumb enough to try any of these things out for yourself, we’ll just be the first to say that we take no responsibility for what comes from your actions.