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How Not to Unload Rock From a Dump Truck

So a little backstory helps explain what is going on here. The guy driving this dump truck has been tasked with delivering these cobblestone pavers to a residence, which means there was no forklift available.

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Without a forklift, the next option is to simply dump the pallet of pavers, and that’s exactly what you’re watching. The driver knows it’s pretty cool to watch, so he sets up a camera and gets to work. With the dump bed raised, he has to throw the truck in reverse and roll backward, then hit the brakes. The first time they only slide a few inches, so the driver gives them one more brake check and out they go, tumbling to the ground in a pile.The driver posted on the video’s description that he had to have permission from the homeowner to do this, and that none of the pavers were damaged, which seems like more luck than anything.