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Inexperience Driver in Red Truck Almost Causes Head on Collision!

When you first get behind the wheel of a vehicle, you might not be willing to admit it or possibly won’t even recognize it right away, but there are a lot of things that you have got to learn. There are certain situations that can’t really be taught and you need to just experience them to be able to round your driving skills out.

This time, it looks like a youngster in a red pickup truck got behind the wheel and headed out to Mulholland Highway and attempted to do a little bit of spirited driving as the road has become known for. However, in this particular situation, it looks like the driver’s inexperience got the best of them.

While it could be incredibly frustrating to come across a driver who is driving recklessly and ends up in the oncoming lane of traffic, the most important thing here is really that nobody got hurt but whoever was behind the wheel of the pickup should use this close call as a lesson to never put themselves in a situation like that again!

If you want to see the situation unfold for yourself as this driver nearly takes out a motorcycle rider, you can see the footage captured by YouTuber, RNickeyMouse, down in the video below. If you find yourself coming across a blind corner anytime soon, I think the right call in just about any situation would to be to play it safe and slow it down a little bit.