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One of The Best Movie Scenes Ever… Matthew McConaughey Talks About His Big Block Chevelle!

When it comes to those who are highly invested in the world of cars and find them to be an appealing hobby or lifestyle, many might trace their roots of enjoying spending all their time in the garage back to some experience that they had when they were younger with a respected elder or maybe even the first time at the track, however, right alongside those real-life experiences are experience that have been created by Hollywood but somehow manage to make you want to get in the driver seat of all kinds of rides of different shapes and sizes.

This time, we check out a scene from Matthew McConaughey’s debut film in Dazed and Confused where he just so happens to be behind the wheel of a big block Chevrolet Chevelle when he takes on the persona of David Wooderson. Since the release of the movie, his character has been immortalized as a meme and this time, we get to take a little peek at how high-performance cars and muscle cars were integrated in this early 90s stoner flick.

In the video below, we get to check out the clip that has Wooderson talking all about his big block and what he has done to it to make it even more special than what it was from the factory. There something about the way that he spills the beans on this old-school muscle car that will make you want to go out and get one of these 454-powered monsters for yourself.

It’s short little on-screen features like this that really make us gearheads proud to be what we are. Do you remember seeing this movie when it originally came out? What are your memories surrounding this old school early 90s movie and the influences of automotive culture that we saw sprinkled throughout?