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🎥People Who Merge Onto The Freeway at the Last Minute Are Doing it Right!

It’s something we all learned, or should have learned, in Driver’s Ed in high school, but there are plenty of people out there who have a really hard time merging into traffic on the freeway. While it seems like common sense to most of us, I have literally seen countless people cause major headaches for other drivers around them because they don’t grasp the concept.

To help remedy the situation, we found this video that addresses the proper way to merge, hopefully providing some insight for those out there who need this information. The main takeaway from this video should be that, when merging, the last thing you want to do is slow down. As soon as you enter the ramp, increase your speed while looking quickly to identify a gap between vehicles to merge into. Then, as your speed increases, try to position yourself close to that gap so you can simply merge right into the space at the correct speed, causing little to no disruption to the cars on the freeway.

If you slow down while merging, cars behind you will have to brake as well, which can cause a chain reaction-style pile up, and if you’re going slower than the cars on the freeway, they’ll have to take evasive action to avoid you when you merge into their lane.

Take a couple of minutes to watch this video, which also has some tips for changing lanes carefully, and make sure you’re merging correctly. Knowing how to make these maneuvers successfully can not only make your life easier, it could very well save lives, including your own, since a great number of freeway accidents occur during merging. If you happen to know somebody who needs help in this area, go ahead and share this with them and low-key let them know they need a little refresher course. You’re doing the world a favor!