John Doc Let his Sister Drive his 1000hp Camaro and Instantly Regretted It!
Over the pages of YouTube, we have seen the various videos of car owners punching the throttle and trying to scare the crap out of the participant who is sometimes willing and sometimes unreceptive to the power. The result is usually a pretty scared face that makes for YouTube gold. However, what might be a little bit more interesting of a dynamic is when the driver and owner of the car gets plopped in the passenger seat and somebody who would normally be their victim becomes the driver, giving them the chance to put the shoe on the other foot and see exactly what it’s like.
In this one, we see a video from YouTuber, John Doc, as he allows his sister to have a crack at getting behind the wheel of his turbocharged fifth-generation Chevrolet Camaro. Via Doc, the car cranks out 1000 hp and for those of you who don’t speak automobile, that’s an insane amount of power for anyone. It isn’t necessarily something that just anyone can get behind the wheel of and safely drive down the street. This is where things get interesting because the person in the passenger seat just so happens to know how difficult it can be to control a beast of that nature and the person behind the wheel probably has no idea. Instead, she just stomps the throttle and goes as the passenger freaks out.
Admittedly, John told us that he originally thought it would be a great idea, saying it would probably be funny and shortly after “turned into a little b*tch.” Those are his words not ours. You really have to commend his efforts to try this one out and just like him, I think that most of us probably would have been shaking at the idea of this situation that puts such a powerful car in the hands of somebody who probably hasn’t driven anything like it. After watching this video below, be sure to tell us if you would be willing to do something of the sort, putting an amateur behind the wheel of your high horsepower car and sitting in the passenger seat while the machine is ripped on.