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S Greater Than SV? – 2017 Lamborghini Aventador S | Targa Trophy Ride Check

When you purchase a vehicle, there are all sorts of decisions to be made. In addition to picking out just the right model and all of your favorite colors, sometimes, there are different trim levels that can leave you to be a little bit in the dark. Picking between these can be difficult as you try and decipher exactly what each one offers and if it will be worth going to that next tier up and spending the extra cash that we’re sure comes with it. Even when you’re purchasing a Lamborghini, these decisions have to be made and I’m sure that, in that world, going up a tier is a lot more expensive than it would be if you were driving something more run-of-the-mill.

This time, we check out what many awaited as the 2017 Aventador Superveloce was released and shortly thereafter, we have now seen the “S” roll out into the streets. It really makes you wonder if this new S model would be any better or if it would really even be all that different from its predecessor and this time, we’re diving into just that to the see the differences between the two, looking at how good each model could possibly be, what features carry over and exactly what you can expect to be different between the SV and the S.

Check out the Targa Trophy Ride Check video down below that dives into these two amazing cars and tells you about what you can expect from both of them. If the ball was in your court and you were picking and choosing which one you would go with? Which of these models do you think would be more worth the money that you would have to invest to pick them up? Sometimes, the features that are rolled out end up costing more money and just really don’t seem like something that’s actually worth any extra investment but in this case, I think that you have to take a close look at both of the models to really make a choice.