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Yes, This is Her Skyline GT-R And Yes She Can Drive The Hell Out of It!

So we don’t know much about this girl, but all of us here at Speed Society may have just fallen in love. The video description says little to help figure out who this girl is, but that’s probably to help protect her from guys like us!

Besides being ridiculously cute, this girl can straight up drive! While it bucks every stereotype about asian women behind the wheel, we have to admit this girl’s skills are legit and we want to see more of her. Besides being able to drift like a champ, she’s a good enough driver to be a driving instructor, teaching the art of driving to about 150 students per year. When she’s not sharing the joy of driving with her students, she also hosts a television show about cars, so her life quite literally is all about cars.

Of course, like the rest of us, she works so she can fund her own ride, and what a badass ride it is. This young lady wasn’t interested in some dainty little chick ride. Instead, she drives an R32 Skyline. As if that weren’t a cool enough car, this girl had to so a little work to make it all her own, and the result is the blacked out GT-R you see in the clip below, and it’s glorious.

Having already done three engine swaps, our mystery lady is currently rocking the legendary Toyota 2JZ powerplant. While that may irk some Nissan purists out there, we have zero problem with the swap, since the 2JZ is the stuff dreams are made of.

The R32 is also wearing a badass Rocket Bunny body kit thanks to a chance meeting with the owner of the company landed our star a sponsorship from the custom body kit designer. I especially liked that the car is rocking California plates, an obvious nod toward American cars with foreign plates. I always wondered of that trend went both ways, and now we know that, at least in one case, it does.

Echo's pandem R32 (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡

Posted by Pandem rocketbunny tra-kyoto on Friday, September 22, 2017