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Minnesota Man Arrested for 28th DWI

At some point, you would think that there has to be a point in time where you decide that enough is enough and that you’re done getting arrested for the same thing over and over again. Currently, for this Minnesota man, he hasn’t necessarily reached that point but is way beyond where most would decide that it’s time to have a little bit of a wake-up call and begin to seek help. Just a couple of days ago, Danny Bettcher, a name that law enforcement in this area is incredibly familiar with, would be pulled over yet again and police would sense that things just weren’t alright as they probably had guessed before even approaching the car.

After he had reportedly been driving erratically and gotten pulled over, officers would approach the car and all of the signs would point in the direction of this being the man’s 28th DWI. No, that isn’t a typo and did read it correctly. It has been 28 times that Danny Bettcher has been pulled over and arrested for driving while intoxicated. Apparently, the man shows absolutely no plans on changing the way that he lives, either, which is especially apparent as after being informed by a police officer that he had alcohol restrictions on his license to which Danny replied that he can “drink all he wants.”

According to the list of charges from KARE-11 news, he would admit during that stop that he was “way over,” instructing officers to “take [him] to jail,” and that’s exactly what police would do. The current charges against Bettcher are DWI and refusing to submit to a breath test. Hopefully, the 28th time is a charm and this will be the point in time where he’s able to seek out help and begin to reform to start living a safer and more prosperous life. We can’t help but wish all the best to this troubled soul and hope that he’s soon on the road to recovery.