Cops Get in on the Action as Guy Sets Up Loud Car Meet to Annoy his Neighbor
Coexisting with all kinds of different people can definitely be a challenging aspect of life that you need to learn to cope with. While you can pick your neighborhood and feel out how the neighbors are, you can’t necessarily always be able to pick and choose the personalities that live next door. This means that differing opinions and viewpoints can clash, creating hectic situations with, of all people, the folks that you have to look at every single day as you live next-door to them. I’m sure that, when moving into a house, everybody hopes and prays that the next-door neighbors will end up being civil and reasonable human beings.
In this situation, it appears as if each of these neighbors decided that the other was neither civil nor reasonable. We aren’t taking sides here but instead, we’re going to show you a situation where a couple of neighbors ended up getting in their feelings and, the result would be something to lay your eyes on as one of the neighbors ended up escalating it to another level past a simple screaming match that they were already having.
It all started when one neighbor had a Subaru that he has to warm up before he drives it. Naturally, for just about every car, you want to let it warm up for at least a couple of seconds before you go driving along. However, as this Subaru had a little bit of an exhaust note, the car owner’s neighbor didn’t take so kindly to the car idling. This is definitely a matter that she wasn’t afraid to voice her opinion about as you can see in the video. One thing leads to another and before we know it, they’re arguing back and forth with the owner of the Subaru pleading to just be left alone as he lets his car warm up and the other neighbor ends up really having an issue with the 30 seconds of idling that the Subaru does every morning.
As it turns out, the Subaru owner didn’t take so kindly to what he calls harassment so, he decided to have a couple of his friends over with cars just as loud as if not louder than his Subaru for a car meet. I guess that you could call that a… A creative method of problem-solving. Be sure to check out the video below with this little back-and-forth between neighbors that ended up having the cops show up for gun shots that were actually a car’s 2-step and tell us what you think of this solution.
This Guy Set Up A Meet To Annoy His Neighbour
She definitely won’t like that 🙉 😂
Submitted by Tyler PattersonPosted by Car Throttle on Saturday, September 30, 2017