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Halloween Bad Parenting 101 – This Dad is Caught Red Handed!

When you’re a youngster, Halloween can be one of the most exciting holidays of the year. I mean, what’s better than dressing up as one of your favorite characters and getting free candy? I always remember the days of being entirely excited to wear myself out by walking around all night, getting as much candy as I possibly could to then eat is all and make myself sick. Even though you could go to the store and just buy that candy for a couple of dollars, it was all worth it because this candy was free and it would taste so good after your efforts of going from door to door to build up the perfect stash.

Now, as not everybody has the time to be able to hang around to hand out candy to kids whether it be because they’re occupied with something else or taking their own kids out, sometimes, folks will choose to leave candy on their front doorstep. Most of the time, it’ll also be accompanied by a sign that urges people to please just take one or two pieces, leaving enough candy for the rest of the kids that are sure to come around. Sometimes, though, people don’t always tend to be that honest and this time, we see more of that despicable attitude coming to life when this guy thought that nobody was looking.

In this video clip, we check out a security camera on the front porch that captures a Halloween situation that is kind of disappointing. When dad takes a minute to bring his kids up to the porch, they all take a handful of candy which, isn’t really the end of the world. However, as time goes on and they revisit the bowl several times, we watch as they take more and more candy before eventually taking off with not only everything that was in the bowl but also the bowl itself.

I’m not sure about you, but I would definitely classify this one as a parenting fail. With those young minds absorbing dad’s every move like a sponge, they definitely learned something that’s a pretty big no-no here. Hopefully, this is an isolated act and dad isn’t always acting like this around his kids.