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Beached Yacht Owner Sues Town For Nearly Half a Million Dollars

When things begin to go toward a legal battle, all sorts of different angles can be thrown at a situation to make it appear to be one way or the other. Essentially, both sides will twist up a situation in any way that they can to make it look like it’s the other side’s fault, removing their responsibility from the situation and putting it on someone else. This is why we have judges who are paid to make these hard decisions, figuring out exactly what the law is and how each side should have to abide by it along with determining which side isn’t.

When you first hear that a yacht owner was piloting his 72-foot vessel while under the influence, running into shore, and being arrested before saying that the locality would be responsible for the vessel’s removal and not him, it might make your blood boil but, when you dig into both sides of the story, it might make you take a look at things a different way.

Sure, if you were to run your boat ashore, it would probably be your responsibility to get it moved but, if you’re arrested and aren’t able to make the arrangements for such a process and, while in jail, the boat ends up taking on water and being beyond the point of floating back out in the sea, which means a major cleanup process, maybe it’s not so much your responsibility for the bill that goes along with it.

If you follow along in the video down below, you’ll hear all about both sides of the story. This really just seems like a bad situation all around to be tied up in and it has the owner of this yacht suing for $450,000 in damages. Sure, this guy probably shouldn’t have been drinking and operating a boat which was the original cause of him running aground but, even if he did try to accept the responsibility and take care of the debris that resulted from his actions and wasn’t allowed to do so, or so he says, who does the responsibility fall on?