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Video Shows How Leaf Springs Are Tested and it Puts Us on Edge with Anxiety

At one point or another, every last component on your car or truck has been torture tested to make sure that it can handle the duty that it has been designed to carry out. Whether it be a suspension component, engine internal, or even a piece of your interior, these parts go through a rigorous test in order to make sure that they are the best they can be. Now, as you can imagine, some parts get a little bit more abuse while being tested than others and suspension components might get a little bit more brutal when put through their paces as compared to say your seats and this time, we get to see just what the torture testing entails.

In this one, we get to take a close-up look at the machine that tests out leaf springs to make sure that the spring is going to do its job of maintaining your vehicle’s ride over the duration of its entire life, supporting an incredible amount of weight and making driving a little bit more pleasurable for everybody on board. Tests like these really allow companies to not only make sure that their design is durable for the application and but also improve their designs that make them even better in the future. However, this particular event really had us on edge and maybe even for a good reason!

In this one, we can follow along as pressure is applied to and relieved from the spring as it is bent back and forth, flexing to give the operators all kinds of different data as to decide where to improve upon their design. When you’re given the chance to watch how it all happens from several feet away, something just feels like the spring is going to pop out and go for a wild ride or fail under pressure, sending parts everywhere. I’m not sure if that fear is exactly rational but we get the feeling that if you watch this video, you might just feel the same.