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Someone Keyed Rob Dahm’s Lamborghini in LA

When it comes time to have character, not everybody is always as much of a standup human being as you are. For some of us, our parents taught us that if we had a problem with somebody to go and tell them that problem or figure out how to constructively handle the matter. Instead, though, some people just choose not to confront their issues head-on and instead decide that maybe it would be a better idea to sneak around and try to go and get some sort of hidden revenge on somebody by damaging their property or messing with them in some other way that avoids confrontation at all costs.

This time, we hear from Rob Dahm who just so happened to be out in Los Angeles when he discovered that somebody potentially didn’t care as much about his Lamborghini as he does and decided to seek revenge for one reason or another, took it upon themselves to key the car on both sides. To many, because it’s not too noticeable unless the car is dirty or wet, it might not be a big deal but as a gear head, you know how much any imperfection on your ride really makes the biggest difference, even if nobody except for you can see it. Besides the fact, it’s incredibly messed up that somebody would go on the offensive and attack a car when nobody was looking.

Check out the video below as Rob shows off the damage, outlining the coward’s actions that would leave a mark on the Lamborghini. Now, Rob has it all figured out as to how he’s going to go about fixing the damage that probably should’ve never occurred in first place but the fact that he has to deal with it at all is really disheartening. Hopefully whoever did this can take a long time to reflect on themselves and decide not to do this in the future.