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Real Rally Driver Straps up in Rally Video Game Simulator, Does He Succeed?

In this day and age, video games are getting pretty accurate to real life. Sometimes, when you go to look at the graphics and mechanics of the game, it might take a second look to realize that they are, in fact, a simulation and not exactly real. This is true in everything from sports games to racing games and even those open world games like Grand Theft Auto that we know and love so much. While they can look really good and even feel really good, it begs the question of how close they actually are to reality. What is the difference between one of these things and actually going out and doing it aside from the physical act itself?

Now, we know that the devastation factor would be a lot higher if you were to drive a rally car off of the track versus if you were to wreck a rally car in a video game but just how big is that margin of error in real life and how much more precise do you have to be to drive a car versus in a video game. Sure, there might have to be some level of dumbing it down because I don’t think there’s anybody out there who wants to learn about how to maintain every single aspect of a rally car when they buy a simulation like this but when it comes down to the racing, this time, we can see just how real it might be thanks to quite the experienced driver trying it all out in an elaborate setup..

This time, the question is just how well an actual rally driver will do if you stick them behind the steering wheel in a simulator that is playing the game that’s known as Dirt, a rally fan’s way to escape into the world of this sport at a minimal cost. As we watch this driver slice his way through the game that is now couple of years old, really banging the gears and laying into that steering wheel, it almost looks natural as he transitions his abilities from the real thing into the game. He doesn’t exactly comment on the experience and how It might relate to real life but from the seamless transition, it really leads you to believe that this one is as close as you can get to being in the driver’s seat without the financial investment, unless this guy is secretly an avid video game fan.