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This Guy Has The Riskiest Job on Earth!

We have see our share of risky jobs, but this guy just might have a claim to the throne. For whatever reason, there’s no name mentioned in the video, but whoever this guy is, he is an experimental aircraft pilot. And yes, that means exactly what it sounds like it: he flies aircraft designs that have never been flown before.

The fact that he’s alive is more than enough testament to his skill, for obvious reasons. Being an experimental pilot means this guy has to be ready for anything while he’s in the air, and he has to be able to get things back under control before that whole ground thing happens.

Not content to just fly, however, this pilot has decided he wants to build an experimental plane of his own. Of course, he wants to be the man to put it through its paces on it’s first flight. The plane, called Quickie, certainly looks the part of “experimental”, looking very much like a dragonfly when viewed from the front or the back and it strongly resembles a quadcopter with a tail when viewed from the side. It’s not a quad, though, as it relies on two small jet engines for forward propulsion. The front “wings” are actually the legs for the wheels, although they appear to be at least somewhat functional as wings too.

While this video does show some footage of the plane flying – some of it very awkwardly and seemingly on the verge of crashing – there is footage elsewhere of the Quickie’s actual maiden voyage. We don’t know how well it did, but it seems logical this video wouldn’t be floating around if things had gone too badly.

So tell us, what do you think is the world’s most dangerous job? Is it flying experimental aircraft? Or do you know of something else out there that is more dangerous? Let us know in the comments!
