Can You Top This Party Trick? Stunting In The Kitchen!
Over the years, I’ve been to my share of parties, most of them admittedly a little dull, but some of them got completely out of hand, resulting in the police being called and even a trip to the ER thanks to a fight breaking out and a nasty cut to a partygoers head, though ironically enough, he wasn’t actually involved in the fight. However, I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything quite like that, although now I suspect we’ll start seeing more of this type of thing after this video gets out.
I get that a lot of riders bring their bikes inside, as that’s an easy way to protect them from the elements as well as theft, but it’s still a bit of a jolt to see a motorcycle in the house. However, seeing a guy actually riding his bike around the kitchen on the back wheel is just absolutely ridiculous… -ly cool!
The rider gets a little help from his friends to get the bike up on the back wheel since he doesn’t exactly have room to drive into a wheelstand, then takes over. With an insane level of skill and balance, the guy walks the bike around the small open area in the kitchen, taking several laps around the room while the rest of the revelers cheer him on and record the craziness with their phones.
When it comes time to drop the nose back to earth, the rider does so effortlessly, sitting the nose down and driving straight out of the room as if he’d planned his dramatic exit all along. The onlookers cheer him on as he cruises right on past the camera and out of the room. I can’t even lie, I don’t know if I’ll ever be impressed by anybody else’s party tricks after seeing this, though I’m not sure I want any of my friends trying to ride their bikes around the house, as they have a hard enough time on the roads.
Hit us up in the comments and let us know what you think, and tell us about the craziest party stunt you’ve ever seen.