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Break Out the Nostalgia, this Need For Speed Video will Make you a Kid Again

If you just so happen to be in love with the world of automobiles but either can’t quite afford to go out racing the way that you’d like to or aren’t yet old enough to have a license to go get behind the wheel of whatever car you want, maybe video games are an alternative that can fill the void between the times when you get the opportunity to get your fix of racing in real life. In fact, I think that a lot of us can agree that when we were growing up, perhaps one of our favorite pastimes would be hopping on whatever console we were lucky enough to have and playing a few of our favorite video games which, for many of us could’ve been something straight out of the Need for Speed wheelhouse that allowed us to kind of make an early gateway into our love of automobiles.

Over the years, what we might’ve started out with a figure on the screen that only somewhat resembled an automobile and would make the user happy enough to be able to control the figure as it went through turns and would be able to go up against other cars, the games would evolve and eventually turn into something that almost felt like you were really on the racetrack, allowing you to tweak and tune your cars in every way that you could possibly fathom. With each and every version of the game that would come out, we would find ourselves trying to get a ride to the game store to get our hands on a video game that we knew we were going to take home and sink hours into as that Need for Speed kind of turned into a drug that we simply had to have more of.

Below, we see a compilation of moments from the Need for Speed franchise that will take you inside of the story that has developed from step one all the way to video games as we know them today. We have to warn you that if you sink your teeth into this one, you might get struck with a heavy feeling of nostalgia and have to go dig out the old games or perhaps buy back one of your older consoles that you sold in order to go back to experience something like this yet again.