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Do You Have What It Takes For This New Sport? Are You Skiing or Riding?

In the pursuit of an adrenaline rush, people come up with all types of different sports with the need to kick up the intensity just a little bit. While some of these ideas might not catch on, others seem to gain popularity rather quickly, drawing people from all around to try them in order to get a quick thrill. This sport that we’re watching here appears to come when a couple of sports ended up being molded into one, resulting in something that we’re not sure that you necessarily want your kids to try but might just be tempted enough for you to try yourself even if the danger that could be lurking around the corner seems to be a little bit overwhelming.

Basically, it appears as if the concept here would be combining something like skiing with circle track racing and dirt biking all at the same time. It sounds like a formula for chaos, well, that’s basically exactly what it is as all of these riders battle for position with the skiers behind them hoping that they can stay up long enough to make it to the finish line first. However, somewhere in the middle, we would venture to think that lots of injuries are just hanging out and waiting to be sprung on all the participants here as they really put themselves in harm’s way.

By following down below, you’ll be given a first-person view of what exactly something like this looks like. I’m not sure that this is something that I would hop into right away, but I would have to say that if this were on television, I would certainly dind myself watching it. If you want to talk about extreme sports, this would be one that has the potential to have a lot of people glued to their television screens, waiting to see exactly what’s going to happen next.